Green Post


Green Post

Climate change presents a serious challenge for responsible business leaders in the 21st century. As a result it is partially up to responsible organisations to take a stand and make a difference in how they manage their operations, manufacture and deliver their products and services. To help you act responsibly, we offer greenPost, which will help you to produce environmentally friendly direct mail items. You will also save money on your postage!

The main features of greenPost are:

  • Ensuring that all materials used are environmentally friendly and recyclable.
  • Reducing the number of incorrectly addressed or unwanted mail items that are sent out by ensuring the database is as clean and up-to-date as possible.

The main benefits of greenPost are:

  • Cost-savings – you reduce your postage costs on every item you send.
  • Responsibility gets response – greenPost reflects your commitment to minimizing the environmental impact of your marketing activity.

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