Data Supply
Data Supply
Business to Business (B2B)
Mail & Print can supply up to 1.9m U.K. B2B data for mailing in-house or to purchase outright.
The data can be targeted by postcode, type of business (SIC code or Activity) and size of business (number of employees). The information for mailing includes the contact name and job title, company name and address, including postcode.
The customer can then be supplied with a mailing list on Excel spreadsheets, which will include all the mailing list, telephone number and information on the company as sourced above including the SIC code or Activity description.
Data prices depend on quantity and how much information is required, particularly if a listing is requested. Regular purchases can be negotiated at a special rate as can purchases for Franchise or Group options.
All data originates from professional sources and is updated and cleaned with up to 1.5% amendments each month.
Any data supplied is for one-off use, unless requested otherwise. No guarantee can be given for data purchased that has not been used within two months, owing to the high rate of updates.
Business to Consumer (B2C)
Mail & Print can also supply consumer data which has been profiled against a number of demographic measures.
In general terms the data can be targeted against geographic, personal, property and financial terms.
These can then be analysed further with a comparison of MOSAIC classifications.
Eg. we could target the birth date of married male head of households who live in bungalows in the BA postcode.
Data prices again depend on quantity, but more so as to the depth of targeting.
All other issues, such as one-off use, apply as for Business data.
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