Variable Data
Variable Data, Image Printing, Sequence numbering
Variable data printing is a method of personalising documents or leaflets to gain that extra bit of impact – from pre filling a form with contact and address details to generating bills and invoices on line.
In addition to sending bills why not add additional personalisation such as bar codes for easy scanning on return so records can be easily updated, in addition why not personalise offers – introduce a friend or personalised discount vouchers to drive people to your site whilst sending them a bill or statement – make that mailing work for you in a number of ways.
We offer a daily mailing service which is currently running for Energy Companies that require bills and statements to go out daily, to Doctors Surgeries wanting flu jab and questionnaire reminders sent.
Questionnaires are also generated and pre personalised – with either address details and serial numbered – which ensures that questionnaires are not duplicated and results skewed.
Variable Image Printing
In addition to variable data why not add some additional personalisation with variable images that are associated with their last purchase or enquiry a client has made – if they have enquired about a car – then send them a postcard with a picture of that car, or even if you are mailing male and females about the new offers at your club or bar – the offer to men may be different to the ladies – this can all be varied and personalised, as they are printed by first getting the data manipulated.
Utilising variable data and variable imagery does not stop you getting the very best postage discounts in the contrary it means you have more targeted mail pieces that are going to generate a bigger and better response for your money.
Need to know more then please call the team at Mail and Print to discuss the options – we can help.
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