No longer just a holiday distraction

Postcards - Variable Data or Images, Variable Printing Data | March 20, 2014


Using postcards is something that many marketers are now using to enhance their inbound and outbound marketing communications activity.

They offer some significant advantages:

  • Postcards don’t have to be opened
  • Postcards can be printed on various card stock all of which can impact on response
  • Postcards can be designed to get attention
  • Apart from a limited clear zone for the address there is space to get your message across
  • Postcards can be passed easily to co-workers
  • Postcards tend to be kept longer than letters
  • Postcards can be personalised using variable images data and graphics

Postcards are ideal for

  • Reminders – Car Service/MOT Reminders, Flu Jab Reminders
  • Invitations
  • Product Launches
  • Special Offers
  • New Car Deals
  • Second Hand Car Offers
  • New Holiday Brochure
  • Thank You’s
  • Driving Traffic to Personalised URL’s

An ideal postcard needs to have 7 key elements – if you get the first 3 wrong your postcard will not be very effective

  • A clear message. You have only seconds to grab attention and then once you have it then you need supporting messages that are all focused on the main reason you are mailing.
  • Eye catching graphics that support the brand identity you have but are also relevant to the message. Cartoons can be very helpful – see our recent Flu Jab mailers as an example
  • Easy to find call to action with a clear benefit to call. Could be more information or a special report, or a discount or even all three, but if you make it clear who to call and why and have nice clear 0800 number, it makes a big difference.
  • Keep the copy to the essentials –ideally the postcard needs only to gain attention, not complete the sale! It’s just to get the right reaction so write your copy with the call to action in mind.
  • You don’t have to print thousands of postcards – ideally you should target the right messages to the right people at the right time. Mail and Print regularly print 150 postcards to mail to a very specific audience, often within that 150 there will variable images and data to improve the response rate.
  • Ideally make your postcard marketing a regular event. Postcards quickly become recognised so you can improve your brand awareness if you send valued information or offers, but fundamentally you get your name and corporate identity known.

Before you send, give the proof to someone who has never seen the copy and design and get them to read it. If you can’t, a useful trick is to read it out loud. You might sound a strange but it’s a technique that can show up all types of errors.

For more information about direct mail in general download the Mail and Print Fact Sheet



Author: Mailprinter

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