The power of direct mail and personalisation

Direct Mail Services, Personalisation, Variable Printing Data | November 03, 2017


As egotistical as it may seem, our name tends to be our favourite word. To us, and those that know us, it encompasses all that we are, and is a focus for our personalities.

The power of using someone’s name is irrevocably evident. It is understandable then that personalisation can have a profound effect on people.

By leveraging technology to make use of techniques such as segmentation and data mining, personalisation can be elevated to an unparalleled level. By reaching this level, we are able to edge closer to that all-important 1-to-1 dynamic with recipients, encouraging brand loyalty, building trust and more successful engagement. These factors act as foundations for increased sales, lead generation and brand awareness as well as customer retention and continuous revenue.

Using personalisation with direct mail:

Direct mail, as a communication tactic, already has inherent value to recipients.  In fact, Royal Mail reports that 57% of people feel valued after receiving a piece of direct mail from a company. By reinforcing this effect with personalisation, you have a much higher chance of your campaign engaging with recipients and subsequently them taking the action that you want them to.

Personalisation has become the norm for many types of communication and is simply part of the customer journey. To ensure campaigns stand out, the level of personalisation included in a needs to be taken further than merely adding a name.

Levels of personalisation:

Thanks to the different ways we can use data, personalisation can be taken far beyond simply adding a name or address by including relevant imagery, such as front cover images and signatures, pricing specific to what a customer would typically buy, large sections of text and personalised offers.

The elements we are able to personalise at Mail and Print include:

  • Name, Address and Salutation
  • Pricing offers
  • Text – sentences to full paragraphs
  • Imagery – including front cover images, signatures, inside cover images and product images.
  • Graphic design elements
  • Purchasing history

We can essentially personalise each and every element of a direct mail campaign, depending on data quality, to create a relevant and personal experience for a recipient which we wholly advocate.


Personalisation is achieved chiefly by employing Variable Data Printing or VDP. VDP allows for elements of the printed material to be changed as the printing takes place including both imagery and text. By using this method, each piece of material in the same job or process can be entirely different and specific to each individual recipient.

VDP is usually one of the final processes of personalisation. It begins with data. The level of detail within data used to personalise printed material and direct mail campaigns dictates the complexity of personalisation that can be achieved. If your data only has names and addresses, it will be difficult to include personalised text, images and other information unless those elements are added.

Get in touch with Mail and Print today on 01747 820960 or email to discuss the personalisation of your next direct mail campaign and learn how we can help you elevate your communication and maximise return on investment.

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