Using Partially Addressed Mail to turn a Good Mailing into a Great Mailing

Uncategorized | July 08, 2019


Partially addressed mail is an Advertising Mail product that the Royal Mail are currently trialling throughout the UK.  The service is designed to help you target new customers without associated data purchase costs.

This service is based on the assumption that if you have a customer in a particular postcode, it is likely that the demographic of other houses within that postcode is similar.  The resulting thoughts are that there is a higher likelihood that you can find more customers within that postcode, without the need to purchase new data or knowing the demographic of your current customer.

It’s a much better method of targeting than door drop, but not quite as good as direct mail itself.  Ultimately, if you are looking to acquire new customers through the use of direct marketing, this method of posting can be utilised in a such a way that you can minimise data based effort and maximise your return, here’s how why Unaddressed Mail works:

Example (Door Drop Included for Comparison)

In the example below, you can see how using the ‘assumptive targeting’ only suffers a small reduction in response rates, but as you are able to send a much higher number of households (57%) more.  The nett result is that you can increase your profit from the mailing by 54%, which is a great result.


Above and beyond all of this, we need to consider that in using the Direct Mail campaign where you purchase accurate data, there is a requirement for you to know the Demographic of your current customers, is that the case??  I would suggest that for most it isn’t, if you do then  our Data Driven Marketing pages might be more applicable to your requirements.

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