Uncategorized | December 14, 2018

Digital Stamps

When stamps were first introduced to the postal system, the initial idea was to change the point of payment from the recipient to the sender.  Roll on 200 years and there are a number of different ways in which a piece of mail can be sent and what is placed in that top right corner. Looking at the mail on my doormat every night when I get home from work, I generally tend to see either a stamp or an indicia.  For me, an indicia tells me that a piece of mail has come from a business, in which case it is very often not interesting and gets categorised at the bottom of my open list. By contrast if something has a stamp, well somebody had to put that there, so there’s a bit more love and personalisation gone into it.  That can go at the top of my open list.  In essence by receiving something by post I’m feeling more valued by a ...

Uncategorized | December 03, 2018

Death of the Mailing House??

The impending end to Direct Mail was first predicted some 15 years ago when the shift towards digital marketing techniques began.  If ...

Uncategorized | July 05, 2018


Need help with that letter design? What about that brochure you've been meaning to do for the last few months? At Mail and Print, our ...

Direct Mail Services | January 26, 2018

Measuring the success of your direct mail

A common argument against the use of direct mail is the supposed inability to measure its success.  This perception is largely due to ...

Direct Mail Services, Environment | January 12, 2018

How we minimise our impact on the environment

Mail and Print process vast quantities of paper and envelopes so we have to be conscious of our environmental footprint. As a result, ...

Data and Data Cleansing, Direct Mail Services | January 08, 2018

Mailmark: replacing the traditional barcode

After Mailmark was introduced in 2014, Mail and Print worked to become one of the first six mailing houses to become fully Mailmark ...

Data and Data Cleansing, Other Entries | December 15, 2017

The Impact of GDPR on Marketing

The physical regulatory document of the GDPR is a comprehensive behemoth, consisting of 260 pages of regulations, principles and ...

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